Herramienta de valoración de hemorragias de la ISTH
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis/Scientific and Standardization Committee Bleeding Assessment Tool (ISTH BAT) Authors/developersRodeghiero F, Tosetto A, Abshire T, Arnold DM, Coller B, James P, Neunert C, Lillicrap D on behalf of the ISTH/SSC Joint VWF and Perinatal/Pediatric Haemostasis Subcommittees Working Group Questionnaire and scoring sheet N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission […]
Cuestionario para hemorragias pediátricas (PBQ)
Pediatric Bleeding Questionnaire (PBQ) Authors/developersBowman M, Riddel J, Rand ML, Tosetto A, Silva M, James PD Questionnaire and scoring key N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.
MCMDM-1 EVW condensado
Condensed Molecular and Clinical Markers for the Diagnosis and Management of Type 1 (MCMDM-1) VWD Bleeding Questionnaire Authors/developersBowman M, Mundell G, Grabell J, Hopman WH, Rapson D, Lillicrap D, James PD Questionnaire and scoring key N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.
Puntaje de salud articular para pacientes con hemofilia (HJHS)
Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) 2.1 Authors/developersFeldman BM, Funk S, Hilliard P, Van Der Net J, Zourikian N, Berstrom B-M, Engelbert RHH, Abad A, Petrini P, Manco-Johnson M, and the International Prophylaxis Study Group. The HJHS is available from the International Prophylaxis Study Group website: www.ipsg.ca. Registration will be required to access the educational material. […]
Sistema de puntaje para epistaxis
Epistaxis Scoring System (ESS) Authors/developersKatsanis E, Luke K-H, Hsu E, Li M, Lillicrap D Scoring system N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.
Puntaje de independencia funcional para pacientes con hemofilia (FISH)
Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia (FISH) – 2007 Authors/developers:Poonnoose PM, Padankatti S, Macaden AS, Srivastava A; Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Instructions and questionnaireScoring sheet N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.
Cuadro pictórico para la evaluación de pérdida de sangre
Pictorial Blood Loss Assessment Chart (PBAC) Authors/developersHigham JM, O’Brien PMS, Shaw RW Chart N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.
Lista de actividades para pacientes con hemofilia – Pediátrica (PedHAL)
Paediatric Haemophilia Activities List (PedHAL) v0.11 Authors/developersGroen W, Van der Net J, Helders P, Fischer K. Questionnaire – children’s version 0.11Questionnaire – parents’ version 0.11 N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers. More recent versions of these scores have been developed. The scores provided here (v0.11) are the versions for which […]
Lista de actividades para pacientes con hemofilia (HAL)
Haemophilia Activities List (HAL) 2005 Authors/developersvan Genderen FR, van Meeteren NL, van der Bom JG, Heijnen L, De KP, van den Berg HM, Westers P, Helders PJ et al.; Van Creveldkliniek, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. Questionnaire N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers. A more recent version of this […]
Voces Jóvenes
La Fortaleza de la FMH y de sus organizaciones nacionales miembros radica en el compromiso de líderes que son fuente de inspiración y que trabajan cotidianamente para impulsar nuestra visión común de Tratamiento para todos. Sin embargo, muchas organizaciones de pacientes enfrentan problemas para lograr la colaboración de adultos jóvenes en sus comunidades y necesitan […]
Herramienta de detección específica para menorragia
Menorrhagia-Specific Screening Tool Authors/developersPhilipp CS, Faiz A, Dowling NF, Beckman M, Owens S, Ayers C, Bachmann G QuestionnaireScoring key N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.
Mini Informe 1 del Sondeo Mundial Anual: Género
Los mini informes del Sondeo Mundial Anual (SMA) de la FMH son herramientas de cabildeo que proporcionan contexto, así como una perspectiva más completa a los datos del SMA. La falta de diagnóstico y tratamiento para mujeres y niñas con trastornos de la coagulación sigue representando un desafío en nuestra comunidad. Destacar los datos sobre […]