Valoraciones » Página 2

Lista de actividades para pacientes con hemofilia (HAL)

Haemophilia Activities List (HAL) 2005 Authors/developersvan Genderen FR, van Meeteren NL, van der Bom JG, Heijnen L, De KP, van den Berg HM, Westers P, Helders PJ et al.; Van Creveldkliniek, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. Questionnaire N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers. A more recent version of this […]

Herramienta de detección específica para menorragia

Menorrhagia-Specific Screening Tool Authors/developersPhilipp CS, Faiz A, Dowling NF, Beckman M, Owens S, Ayers C, Bachmann G QuestionnaireScoring key N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.