Molecular Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease

The accurate diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (VWD) is crucial to its management. This resource describes the techniques used to determine the genetic nature, or genotype, of a suspected case of VWD. The companion monograph, TOH 55 Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease: Phenotypic Characterization, provides a detailed review of the laboratory tests that can be […]
Annual Global Survey Mini Report 1: Gender

The WFH Annual Global Survey (AGS) mini reports are advocacy tools that provide more in-depth perspective and context to AGS data. Lack of diagnosis and treatment for women and girls with bleeding disorders remains a challenge in our community. Highlighting gender data from the AGS can help bring awareness to the issues facing women and […]
Proceedings of the WFH’s Tenth Global Forum on Research and Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders

A summary of discussions held at the Tenth WFH Global Forum on Research and Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders which brings together patient groups, healthcare providers, researchers, regulators, industry representatives, and not-for-profit fractionators.
Factor Replacement Therapy Schematic

This illustrated schematic demonstrates the normal process of blood clotting, how it is diminished when a clotting factor is lacking, and how infusion of replacement therapy works to achieve normal levels of blood clotting. It also illustrates the clotting factor cascade and highlights the points in the cascade where each type of hemophilia treatment product […]
Report on the Annual Global Survey 2015

Compiled annually, the Annual Global Survey (AGS) provides demographic and other data on people with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, other rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders throughout the world.
ePosters of the XXXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

This interactive carousel features over 500 posters presented at the WFH 2016 World Congress, which can be searched by title, author, poster number, or topic. Via the Options tab on the right, viewers may download, print, or email posters; email poster authors directly; or participate in an online discussion. Presentation slides can also be viewed […]
Abstracts of the XXXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH 2016 World Congress Orlando (July 2016, Vol 22, Issue Supplement S4 Pages 1–152) features abstracts of many of the posters presented at the Congress, including Late-Breaking Abstracts and those selected for presentation as Free Papers.
State of the Art of the XXXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH 2016 World Congress Orlando (Vol 22, Issue Supplement S5 Pages 1–95) features reviews of the state of the art of each of the topics of the medical plenaries, medical sessions, and laboratory science sessions at the Congress, written by featured speakers.
Planning and Initiating Projects: A Guide for Emergent NMOs

Volunteer team members, and their beneficiaries, often have differing opinions on what projects should be of highest priority for an organization. It is essential to reach agreement on your priorities in a relatively quick and efficient manner and to coordinate the team’s energies, in order to be the most effective. This guide provides strategies for […]
Hemophilia Patient Organization Self-Assessment

A self-assessment is a useful exercise for organizations to take a closer look at what they do and how they do it. The process can help identify strengths and weaknesses and guide strategic planning. In 2011, the WFH developed this self-assessment specifically for its national member organizations (NMOs). It features a scoring system to evaluate […]
Abstracts of the XXXI International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

This special issue of Haemophilia contains abstracts presented at the XXXI WFH Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 11-15 May 2014.
Desmopressin (DDAVP)

This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Polish Desmopressin (DDAVP) may be the treatment of choice for patients with mild or moderate hemophilia A and type 1 von Willebrand disease (VWD). This Fact Sheet presents essential information about this synthetic medicine which costs much less than […]