Assessments » Page 2

Haemophilia Activities List – Pediatric (PedHAL)

Paediatric Haemophilia Activities List (PedHAL) v0.11 Authors/developersGroen W, Van der Net J, Helders P, Fischer K. Questionnaire – children’s version 0.11Questionnaire – parents’ version 0.11 N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers. More recent versions of these scores have been developed. The scores provided here (v0.11) are the versions for which […]

Haemophilia Activities List (HAL)

Haemophilia Activities List (HAL) 2005 Authors/developersvan Genderen FR, van Meeteren NL, van der Bom JG, Heijnen L, De KP, van den Berg HM, Westers P, Helders PJ et al.; Van Creveldkliniek, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. Questionnaire N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers. A more recent version of this […]

WFH Physical Examination Score (aka Gilbert score)

World Federation of Hemophilia Physical Examination Score (also called the Gilbert Score) Authors/developersGilbert M, and the Orthopedic Advisory Committee of WFH. Questionnaire N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.

Compendium of Assessment Tools

Hemophilia is a rare disease and its management is multi-faceted. With advances in medical care including prophylactic factor replacement, the need for outcome assessment tools that are valid, reliable, sensitive to change, and predictive has become increasingly apparent. Physical status (joint health), functional ability, bleeding symptoms, and quality of life can now be measured using […]