Resources » Page 10

HAL ou liste d’activités chez les hémophiles

Haemophilia Activities List (HAL) 2005 Authors/developersvan Genderen FR, van Meeteren NL, van der Bom JG, Heijnen L, De KP, van den Berg HM, Westers P, Helders PJ et al.; Van Creveldkliniek, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. Questionnaire N.B. These scores are posted with the permission of the developers. A more recent version of this […]

Parole aux Jeunes

La force de la Fédération mondiale de l’hémophilie (FMH) et de ses organisations nationales membres (ONM) réside dans l’engagement que prennent des leaders inspirants qui œuvrent chaque jour afin de promouvoir la vision du traitement pour tous. Pourtant, comme bon nombre d’organisations de patients peinent à impliquer les jeunes au sein de leurs communautés, il […]

Outil d’évaluation des saignements de l’ISTH

International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis/Scientific and Standardization Committee Bleeding Assessment Tool (ISTH BAT) Authors/developersRodeghiero F, Tosetto A, Abshire T, Arnold DM, Coller B, James P, Neunert C, Lillicrap D on behalf of the ISTH/SSC Joint VWF and Perinatal/Pediatric Haemostasis Subcommittees Working Group Questionnaire and scoring sheet N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission […]

MCMDM-1 mW condensé

Condensed Molecular and Clinical Markers for the Diagnosis and Management of Type 1 (MCMDM-1) VWD Bleeding Questionnaire Authors/developersBowman M, Mundell G, Grabell J, Hopman WH, Rapson D, Lillicrap D, James PD Questionnaire and scoring key N.B.: These scores are posted with the permission of the developers.

Mini-rapport n° 1 issu du Sondage mondial annuel : questions sexospécifiques

Les mini rapports issus du Sondage mondial annuel de la FMH constituent des outils de plaidoyer qui offrent une analyse approfondie des données collectées. L’absence de diagnostic et de traitement chez les femmes et les jeunes filles atteintes d’un trouble de la coagulation représente toujours un écueil au sein de notre communauté. Le fait de […]

Schéma Illustré sur la Thérapie par Facteurs de Remplacement

Ce schéma illustré précise le processus normal de la coagulation sanguine, la baisse de coagulation en l’absence d’un facteur de coagulation et la façon dont la thérapie de remplacement par perfusion rétablit des valeurs de coagulation sanguine normales. Il illustre également la cascade des facteurs de coagulation et souligne les points dans la cascade où […]

Complications de l’hémophilie

This eLearning module presents Section 6 of the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia: Complications of Hemophilia. Detailed illustrations, interactive features, a glossary, supplementary resources and self-quizzes bring to life the WFH recommendations regarding the management of inhibitors, as well as musculoskeletal and infection-related complications. Instructions Click on the « View Resource » button above to […]

Traitement des hémorragies particulières

This eLearning module presents Section 5 of the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia: Treatment of Specific Hemorrhages. Detailed illustrations, interactive features, a glossary, supplementary resources and self-quizzes bring to life the WFH recommendations regarding the treatment of specific hemorrhages including into muscles, joints, soft tissues, and internal organs, as well as head trauma, […]

Agents hémostatiques

This eLearning module presents Section 4 of the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia: Hemostatic Agents. Detailed illustrations, interactive features, a glossary, supplementary resources and self-quizzes bring to life the WFH recommendations regarding FVIII and FIX clotting factor concentrates, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, and other pharmacological options including DDAVP, tranexamic acid, and epsilon aminocaproic […]

Diagnostic en laboratoire

This eLearning module presents Section 3 of the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia: Laboratory Diagnosis. Detailed illustrations, interactive features, a glossary, supplementary resources and self-quizzes bring to life the WFH recommendations regarding the principles of diagnosis, as well as the technical aspects, equipment, and reagents involved in coagulation laboratory testing for bleeding disorders. […]

Enjeux particuliers relatifs à la prise en charge

This eLearning module presents Section 2 of the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia: Special Management Issues. Detailed illustrations, interactive features, a glossary, supplementary resources and self-quizzes bring to life the WFH recommendations regarding carriers, genetic testing and counselling, prenatal diagnosis, childbirth, vaccinations, psychosocial issues, sexuality, and ageing for people with hemophilia. Instructions Click […]