Emergency Care Issues in Hemophilia

People with hemophilia are at risk for severe bleeding that may require emergency care. This monograph discusses a number of potential emergent hemorrhagic events, focusing on therapeutic strategies to reduce the risk of adverse outcomes.
Benefits of a National Patient Registry – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 患者登録は、健康上の傾向のモニタリング、資源の割り当て、治療用製剤供給の調整および追跡、全国規模での購入プロセスの改善に極めて重要です。
Abstracts of the XXVII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

This special issue of Haemophilia contains abstracts presented at the XXVII WFH Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25 May 2006.
State of the Art XXVII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

This special issue of Haemophilia contains reviews and original research reports from selected scientific sessions presented at the XXVII WFH Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25 May 2006.
Report on the Annual Global Survey 2005

Compiled annually, the Annual Global Survey (AGS) provides demographic and other data on people with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, other rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders throughout the world.
Exercises for People with Hemophilia

This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Amharic, Czech, Farsi, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese This illustrated guide includes a detailed description of exercises designed to counteract the long-term effects of joint and muscle bleeding and the tendency to develop […]
The Tragic History of AIDS in the Hemophilia Population, 1982–1984

This paper chronicles the initial spread of HIV and subsequent AIDS epidemic in the hemophilia population, from the perspective of epidemiologist Dr. Bruce Evatt, who was instrumental in identifying HIV as a blood-borne disease.
Developing and Sustaining an Effective Lobbying Campaign

A hemophilia organization can advocate for change with doctors, hospitals, health authorities, government officials, or politicians. This publication outlines the various steps in putting together an integrated lobbying strategy.
Good Governance

Not-for-profit organizations like hemophilia organizations need to perform to a very high professional level in order to meet the standards set by governments, regulators, industry, and others with whom they associate.

Raising funds requires careful research and detailed planning, as well as creativity and good business practices. This publication is intended to help volunteers and staff of hemophilia societies support their work through fundraising.
Guidelines for Dental Treatment of Patients with Inherited Bleeding Disorders

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a basis for the development of local protocols for the dental treatment of patients with inherited bleeding disorders. The publication highlights the use of local hemostatic techniques to make judicious use of the amount of clotting factor concentrates used.
The Rare Coagulation Disorders

A quick overview of the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of each of the rare factor deficiencies.