Patient Outreach Guide for Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders

This guide helps national hemophilia organizations plan and carry out an outreach campaign to identify people with hemophilia or other bleeding disorders who have not been diagnosed or are underserved by healthcare services.
Advantages of a National Tender System for Clotting Factor Concentrates

Also Available In: Japanese A national tender is a cost-effective system for the purchase of products or services, such as clotting factor concentrates, that facilitates the prediction of demand and use of treatment products and can lead to a higher standard of care.
Hemophilia in Pictures Educator’s Guide

Also Available In: Japanese A companion to Hemophilia in Pictures, this Educator’s guide provides more detailed information for advanced learning. Also includes tips for effective patient education, key talking points, and review quizzes.
Contract Fractionation

A comprehensive guide to creating and maintaining a successful contract fractionation program, from contract agreements to the fractionation process, the roles of national health officials and foreign fractionators, and other technical, regulatory, and economical considerations.
Symptomatic Carriers of Hemophilia

Some carriers of hemophilia experience symptoms comparable to those seen in men with mild hemophilia. This monograph describes common bleeding problems in symptomatic carriers and strategies to prevent and treat them.
Dental Management of Patients with Inhibitors to Factor VIII or Factor IX

Suggests management strategies that reduce the need for dental intervention or allow treatment without the need for prophylactic coagulation factor cover.
Local Hemostatic Blood Products in Hemophilia Care: Fibrin Sealant and Platelet Gel

Describes the manufacturing methods and characteristics of hemostatic products and their clinical indications for patients suffering with disorders.
The Basic Science, Diagnosis, and Clinical Management of von Willebrand Disease

Offers a detailed review of the basic science, clinical features, and classification of the various forms of von Willebrand Disease, as well as its diagnosis and management.
HIV and HCV Co-Infection in Hemophilia

This paper provides an overview of the interactions between hepatitis C (HCV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and covers aspects concerning the management of co-infected persons with hemophilia.
Oral Care for People with Hemophilia or a Hereditary Bleeding Tendency

Oral disease may affect general health and may, in people with a bleeding tendency, cause serious bleeding. This paper offers valuable information on preventative tooth and gum care for people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
Conception in HIV-Discordant Couples

Discusses the relative merits of the alternative methods of conception that are available to HIV-infected hemophilic men and their partners.
Articular Bleeding (Hemarthrosis) in Hemophilia: An Orthopedist’s Point of View

Strategies for the prevention and proper management of acute, subacute, and recurrent hemarthrosis.