Assessment and Management of Pain in Hemophilia Patients

This monograph highlights the prevalence and devastating impact of pain in hemophilia patients, reviews currently available treatment options, and identifies the unmet needs for appropriate pain management.
HCV-Related Liver Cancer in People with Hemophilia

A review of the epidemiology, risk factors, treatment, and outcomes of liver cancer associated with chronic hepatitis C infection, with a focus on aspects that are of specific interest in people with hemophilia.
The Challenge of an Ageing Hemophilic Population

As their life expectancy approaches that of the general population, people with hemophilia are now facing many of the same health problems. This paper gives healthcare providers an excellent overview of the relationship between hemophilia and age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and cancer.
Joint Replacement Surgery in Hemophilia

A comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of the key issues in joint replacement surgery, from pre-operative assessment to long-term management.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

This paper reviews the epidemiology and transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and the potential risk to the bleeding disorders community.
Reproductive Health in Women with Bleeding Disorders

Reviews the common obstetric and gynecological challenges in women with bleeding disorders and offers guidelines for their management.
Manufactured Shoes and Orthopedic Shoes

This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Japanese To fulfill its critical functions of protection and support, a shoe should fit properly. For people with musculoskeletal problems, certain adaptations such as heel pads, inlays, and rocker bottoms are possible and advisable.
Symptomatic Carriers of Hemophilia

Some carriers of hemophilia experience symptoms comparable to those seen in men with mild hemophilia. This monograph describes common bleeding problems in symptomatic carriers and strategies to prevent and treat them.
Dental Management of Patients with Inhibitors to Factor VIII or Factor IX

Suggests management strategies that reduce the need for dental intervention or allow treatment without the need for prophylactic coagulation factor cover.
Local Hemostatic Blood Products in Hemophilia Care: Fibrin Sealant and Platelet Gel

Describes the manufacturing methods and characteristics of hemostatic products and their clinical indications for patients suffering with disorders.
The Basic Science, Diagnosis, and Clinical Management of von Willebrand Disease

Offers a detailed review of the basic science, clinical features, and classification of the various forms of von Willebrand Disease, as well as its diagnosis and management.
HIV and HCV Co-Infection in Hemophilia

This paper provides an overview of the interactions between hepatitis C (HCV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and covers aspects concerning the management of co-infected persons with hemophilia.