Resources » Introduction to Bleeding Disorders

Year: 2017

Language: English

Author(s): Adapted from Global NMO Training 2016 plenary presentation by Glenn Pierce

Format: Interactive module

Introduction to Bleeding Disorders


Adapted from: Global NMO Training 2016 plenary presentation by Glenn Pierce
Reviewed by: Glenn Pierce
Edited by: Georghia Michael

This first eLearning module of the Treatment Products program explains how blood clots, how  clotting factors work together in the coagulation cascade, what goes wrong in the case of factor deficiency, and how factor replacement therapy works by correcting this. Illustrations and interactive features make this complex content easy to follow while the glossary and linked resources provide more in-depth explanations. Fun quizzes and progress checks allow the learner to assess their understanding, and point them back to specific sections for re-study if necessary.


Click on the “View Resource” button above to launch the module. Click on the NEXT and PREV buttons in the bottom right corner to move forward and backward through the module, or jump to a specific section by selecting it from the Table of Contents on the bottom left. The second screen presents all the interactive features of the module and how to use them. Click Help in the upper right corner of the screen at any time to return to this screen.

Glossary terms are highlighted in yellow, look up their definitions by clicking Glossary in the top right of the screen. Full-text supplementary resources are available by clicking Resources in the top left corner. You will find these icons throughout the module, click them for interactive access to more essential information:




If you have previously viewed the module the player may ask whether you wish to resume the presentation where you left off last time. In that case you can choose either to continue from the point where you stopped last time (Yes) or start again at the beginning (No).


Documents and PDFs

What are fibrinogen disorders?

This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, diagnosis, symptoms and management of fibrinogen disorders, including afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia, dysfibrinogenemia

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