WFH Humanitarian Aid program: Past and future | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Assad Haffar, Megan Adediran, Kibet Shikuku, Glenn Pierce, Alain Baumann, Bill Sibold, Guido Oelkers, Iqbal Mufti, Klaus Marten, Lauren Syring & Antti Kourula discuss the WFH Humanitarian Aid Program, which improves access to care and treatment by providing much-needed support for people with inherited bleeding disorders […]
WFH Educational: Treatment choice in an era of change | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Glenn Pierce, Johnny Mahlangu, David Page & Brian O’Mahony explore the patient and provider perceptions on treatment choices: how does each make a choice and process the risk-benefit analysis. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment […]
Uncertainty in an era of transformative therapy for hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 World Summit, Glenn Pierce will examine the evolution of gene therapy while addressing the unknowns that need to be answered. Hemophilia is at the dawn of a new era in therapeutic management, one that can generate greater protection from bleeding and a functional cure in some individuals. The […]
Opening plenary | Virtual Summit 2020

This session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit is the official opening of the WFH Virtual Summit: Connecting the Global Bleeding Disorders Community. The WFH President, Mr. Alain Weill, will present welcoming remarks, along with the WFH VP (Medical), Dr. Glenn Pierce, and the WFH’s CEO, Mr. Alain Baumann, launching the first and exciting new […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | December 16 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on December 16, 2021, to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders, with a focus on comorbidities associated with hemophilia. Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical), Lochana Nanayakkara (WFH Dental Committee chair), Bruce Luxon (Chair, Department of Medicine), Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical Board Member), Nathalie Roussel (Associate professor) […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | October 12 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on October 12, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders, with a focus on comorbidities associated with hemophilia. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical). Gianluigi Pasta (WFH MSK Committee chair), Paul McLaughlin (Specialist Physiotherapist), Adolfo Llinas (Medical director), Robert Klamroth (Department […]
Glenn Pierce and Steve Pipe discuss the latest updates on Gene Therapy for hemophilia | July 2021

The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. For diagnosis or consultation on a specific medical problem, the WFH recommends that you contact your physician or local treatment centre. Before administering any products, the WFH urges patients to check dosages with a physician […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | July 27 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on July 27, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical) and Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical board member). Steven Pipe (Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology), Heiner Wedemeyer (Professor), Nathan Connell (Assistant Professor of Medicine), Dawn Rotellini […]
COVID-19 Vaccines and People with Bleeding Disorders: Safety and Accessibility

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on June 2, 2021 to learn about the latest WFH updates on COVID-19 vaccination for people with bleeding disorders. The webinar provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about the authorization and safety of COVID-19 vaccines, with a focus on the regulators’ perspectives from the EU and the U.S.A., […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | April 22 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on April 22, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical) and Marlène Beijlevelt (WFH Nurses Committee chair). Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical board member), Gianluigi Pasta (WFH MSK Committee chair), Sukesh Nair (Professor of laboratory haematology), […]
COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccination for PWBDs

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on March 12, 2021 to learn about the latest WFH guidance regarding COVID-19 treatment and vaccination for People with Bleeding Disorders (PWBDs). The objective of this webinar was to address questions related to COVID-19 in PWBD. It provided an opportunity for attendees to follow the latest WFH recommendations for […]
WFH Webinar: Bleeding Disorders and COVID-19

Listen as Glenn Pierce, MD, PhD (WFH VP Medical), Flora Peyvandi, MD, PhD, Magdy El Ekiaby, MD, Cedric Hermans, MD, PhD, and Radoslaw Kaczmarek, PhD, provide the global bleeding disorders community with up-to-date information on COVID-19. This 1-hour webinar, presented on April 9, 2020, also addressed participants’ questions and concerns. To download a pdf of […]