Treatments for bleeding disorders: Current environment & pipeline products | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Radoslaw Kaczmarek, Flora Peyvandi, Dan Hart & Johnny Mahlangu discuss novel products newly arrived on the market, that are very different from traditional clotting factor concentrates and pose new questions about safety and clinical use. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and […]
Uncertainty in an era of transformative therapy for hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 World Summit, Glenn Pierce will examine the evolution of gene therapy while addressing the unknowns that need to be answered. Hemophilia is at the dawn of a new era in therapeutic management, one that can generate greater protection from bleeding and a functional cure in some individuals. The […]
The WFH Gene Therapy and World Bleeding Disorder Registries | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Barbara Konkle, Alfonso Iorio & Catherine Lambert will discuss & highlight two key WFH data programs: The WFH Gene Therapy Registry (GTR) and the WFH World Bleeding Disorders Registry (WBDR). With gene therapy for hemophilia on the horizon, there is an urgent need to develop a […]
Gene therapy: the unfolding story | Virtual Summit 2020

We are still learning about gene therapy. Each patient experience is different, and gene therapy is not for everyone – either by choice or by exclusion because of the antibodies. In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Debra Pollard, John Pasi, David Page, Garrett Hayes, Rob Schroeder and Enrique Preza Hernandez discuss: What […]
Glenn Pierce and Steve Pipe discuss the latest updates on Gene Therapy for hemophilia | July 2021

The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. For diagnosis or consultation on a specific medical problem, the WFH recommends that you contact your physician or local treatment centre. Before administering any products, the WFH urges patients to check dosages with a physician […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | July 27 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on July 27, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical) and Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical board member). Steven Pipe (Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology), Heiner Wedemeyer (Professor), Nathan Connell (Assistant Professor of Medicine), Dawn Rotellini […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | April 22 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on April 22, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical) and Marlène Beijlevelt (WFH Nurses Committee chair). Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical board member), Gianluigi Pasta (WFH MSK Committee chair), Sukesh Nair (Professor of laboratory haematology), […]
Medical Plenary: Gene Therapy | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Steve Pipe and Luigi Naldini explore the promise of gene therapy and the broad-based multi-stakeholder preparation that is needed to deliver on this achievement. Steve Pipe explores that, although we currently stand on the threshold of this achievement, delivering on this promise will require broad-based multi-stakeholder […]
Advocacy During COVID-19: Voices from Europe

Listen to this 1-hour webinar that took place on 27 November 2020, chaired by Baiba Zimele (WFH lay member). Presenters Ellia Tootoonchian (WFH) and Donna Coffin (WFH) discuss the latest data of the Annual Global Survey including patient demographics, while Brian O’Mahony (Ireland), Dejan Petrovic (Serbia) and Dr. James Gauci (Malta) provide information on advocacy […]
Inhibitors – Think differently | Virtual Summit 2020

The development of inhibitory antibodies to therapeutic factor VIII (FVIII) in up to 40% of people with severe hemophilia A (HA) is the major complication in treatment/prevention of hemorrhages. The reasons some people with HA develop inhibitors while others do not, remain unclear. In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Sebastien Lacroix-Desmazes, Kathleen […]
Virtual workshop: Creators and innovators: NMOs investing in youth

Listen to this 75-minute workshop that took place on 26th November 2020, moderated by Clive Smith (UK), WFH lay member, to explore youth engagement practices around the world, and to help participants understand the benefits of active youth involvement in national member organizations (NMO). This session features a debate contest involving Deniece Chevannes (USA), new […]
WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Glenn Pierce, Alok Srivastava, Steven Pipe, Manuel Carcao, Margaret Ragni and Johnny Mahlangu present and discuss updates to the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia. Discussion topics include hemostatic agents, prophylaxis, inhibitors, and treatment of specific hemorrhages. Click below to access more on-demand Virtual Summit […]