3rd WFH Global Summit on Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders (WGBD)

The chosen theme for this edition of the global summit centered on Equity and Access to Care for women and girls with bleeding disorders. Healthcare providers, people living with bleeding disorders, family members, national member organization leaders, and other stakeholders came together to discuss several topics including, the importance of data and the use of […]
Global Policy and Access Summit 2023

The presentations and discussions of the third edition of the WFH Global Policy and Access Summit (GPAS) center around increasing access to diagnosis, treatment and care for people living with bleeding disorders. These include speakers from local and international partner organizations, national government representatives, healthcare professionals, WFH NMO leaders, and bleeding disorders advocates. The WFH […]
Global Policy and Access Summit 2022

The presentations and discussions of the second edition of the WFH Global Policy and Access Summit (GPAS) center around improving care and access to treatment. They include speakers and participants from local and international partner organizations, national government representatives, healthcare professionals, WFH NMO leaders, and bleeding disorders advocates. The WFH does not engage in the […]
WFH highlight sessions and general plenaries | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Cesar Garrido, Glenn Pierce, Mark Kay, Alain Baumann, Dawn Rotellini, Cesar Garrido, Megan Adediran, Dejan Petrovic, Robed Amin, Declan Noone, Durhane Wong-Rieger, Yuyun Maryuningsih, Margarita Elizabeth Garcia Gonzalez, Assad Haffar, Kibet Shikuku, Barun Khakurel, Donna Coffin, Margareth Ozelo, Novie Amelia Chozie and Tahira Zafar […]
Multidisciplinary track | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Kate Khair, Luke Pembroke, Louis Marlow, Andrew Selvaggi, Robert Cooper, Simon Fletcher, Sarah O’Brien, Ming Lim, Brittany Lee-Acton, Carrie Arnold, Rick Waines, Zander Masser, Brian O’Mahony, Barbara Konkle, Adolfo Llinas, Tyler Buckner, Nathalie Roussel, Valérie-Anne Chantrain and Bojan Pirnat address current multidiscilinary topics in […]
von Willebrand Disease | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Peter Lenting, Magdy El Ekiaby, Nathan Connell, Brooke Sadler, Giancarlo Castaman, James O’Donnell, Baiba Ziemele, Veronica Flood, Paula James and Helen Campbell address current topics in von Willebrand Disease. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends […]
Nurses track | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Lori Laudenbach, Cathy Harrison, Sharon Varney, Sandra Dodgson, Jennifer Meldau, Marcela Ganzella, Anjalin D’Souza, Jemma Efford, BJ Ramsay, Sarah Johns, Jan Kuhn, Greta Mulders, Khalid Al Habaybia, Khaled Al Qawasmeh, April Jones, Kim Schafer, Luke Pembroke, Marlene Beijlevelt, Lauren Nyhan, Nathan Connell, Carien Manuels, […]
Psychosocial track | WFH World Congress 2022

Reducing anxiety and stress for people impacted by a bleeding disorder In this session from the WFH 2022 World Congress, Susan Cutter (United States), Patricia Cabré (Spain) and Sarah Whitaker (United Kingdom), will discuss the impact of anxiety and stress on parents and caregivers, couples, young adults, and people with inherited bleeding disorders, as well […]
Data & Demographics workshop | WFH World Congress 2022

In this workshop from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Miguel Escobar, Alfonso Iorio, Donna Coffin, Ellia Tootoonchian, Emily Ayoub, Toong Youttananukorn, Mark Skinner, Mayss Naccache, Thi Mai Nguyen, Jeff Stonebraker, and Declan Noone address improving patient outcomes through data. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances […]
Dental track | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Lochana Nanayakkara, Norjehan Yahaya, Irakli Chachua, Zikra Alkhayal, Laura Olan, Branislav Bajkin, Norjehan Yahaya, Alison Dougall, Tom Cavell, Laura Olan, Danielle Nance, Graeme Ting, Dan Hart, Aisyah Ahmad Fisal, Elvira Correa, Rebecca Schaffer, Zikra Alkhayak, Miryam Parreira, Patricio Gatti, and Luigi Nibali address current […]
Laboratory sciences track | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Pierre Toulon, Silmara Montalvao, Steve Kitchen, Sukesh Nair,Yesim Dargaud, Marie-Christine Alessi, Annette Bowyer, Veronica Flood, Emmanuel Favaloro and Connie Miller address current topics in laboratory sciences. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for […]
Medical sessions | WFH World Congress 2022

In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, David Lillicrap, Len Valentino, Sophie Susen, Mrinal Gounder, Rebecca Kruse-Jarres, Christine Mrakotsky, Roger Schutgens, Dan Hart, Margaret Rand, Karina Meijer Waander van Heerde, Keith Gomez, Emna Gouider, Charles Nakar, Brian R. Long, Tiago Lopes, Claire Pouplard, Radek Kaczmarek, Johnny Mahlangu, Steve Pipe, K. Rajender Reddy, Pratima […]