International Women’s Day webinar | March 8 2022

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on March 8, 2022, to learn about women and girls with bleeding disorders. The webinar is a joint collaboration between the WFH Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders (WGBD) committee and the WFH von Willebrand Disease (VWD) and Rare Bleeding Disorders (RBD) committee. Speakers will include Dawn Rotellini (U.S.A), […]
Advocating for Better Care for People with VWD | September 1 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on September 1, 2021 to learn about advocating for better care using the ASH ISTH NHF WFH 2021 Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of von Willebrand Disease (VWD). The session was moderated by Magdy El Ekiaby, MD (WFH VWD & RBD Committee). Susie Couper (Member of the WFH […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | December 16 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on December 16, 2021, to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders, with a focus on comorbidities associated with hemophilia. Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical), Lochana Nanayakkara (WFH Dental Committee chair), Bruce Luxon (Chair, Department of Medicine), Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical Board Member), Nathalie Roussel (Associate professor) […]
Strengthening comprehensive care: using data to inform clinical practice | November 11 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Strengthening comprehensive care: using data to inform clinical practice, presented on November 11, 2021. This is the last webinar in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres. Speakers included Dr. Catherine Lambert (Hematologist at the Division of […]
Communicating impact: tips on effective reporting | October 29 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on October 29, 2021 on Communicating impact: tips on effective reporting. This webinar offers participants recommendations and tips for communicating the impact and achievements of their projects in a meaningful way, as well as producing effective programmatic reports, financial tracking and budgeting. Using the framework of the Development Grant […]
Delivering comprehensive care: practical considerations | October 21 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Delivering comprehensive care: practical considerations, presented on October 21, 2021. This is the second of three webinars in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres. The session was moderated by Dr. Miguel Escobar (WFH Board of Directors). […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | October 12 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on October 12, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders, with a focus on comorbidities associated with hemophilia. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical). Gianluigi Pasta (WFH MSK Committee chair), Paul McLaughlin (Specialist Physiotherapist), Adolfo Llinas (Medical director), Robert Klamroth (Department […]
Setting up comprehensive care: key principles, services, and roles | September 29, 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Setting up comprehensive care: key principles, services, and roles, presented on September 29, 2021, the first of 3 webinars in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres. The session was moderated by Dr. Alok Srivastava (Professor in […]
WFH Treatment Guidelines: Practical Application in the Middle East | July 30, 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on July 30, 2021, on the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3rd edition and their practical application in the Middle East. The session was moderated by Alok Srivastava (Professor in the Department of Haematology, and Head of the Centre for Stem Cell Research at the Christian Medical […]
Key Concepts and Principles of Care for Bleeding Disorders | July 28, 2021

Listen to this back-to-basics 90-minute webinar, presented on July 28, 2021, which offers members of NMOs the opportunity to get a refresher on the key concepts and principles of care for inherited bleeding disorders. The webinar program also covers foundational knowledge on topics relevant for NMO members and advocates. This webinar was chaired by Carlos […]
Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | July 27 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on July 27, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical) and Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical board member). Steven Pipe (Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology), Heiner Wedemeyer (Professor), Nathan Connell (Assistant Professor of Medicine), Dawn Rotellini […]
Improving Care for People with VWD | May 18 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on May 18, 2021 to learn about the recently published ASH ISTH NHF WFH 2021 Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of von Willebrand Disease (VWD). The session was moderated by Nathan Connell (Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School). Michelle Lavin (WFH VWD & RBD Committee Chair), Baiba […]