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CDC Webinar: Overview of WFH Treatment Guidelines, 3rd Edition

On December 10th, 2020 Glenn Pierce, WFH VP Medical moderated this one-hour webinar in the Public Health Webinar Series on Blood Disorders presented by the CDC. The webinar discussed how the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3rd edition provides opportunities to improve the standard of diagnosis and care for people with hemophilia around […]

Abstracts of the World Federation of Hemophilia Virtual Summit

The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH Virtual Summit – Connecting the Global Bleeding Disorders Community (June 2020, Vol 26, Issue Supplement S4 Pages 1–149) features abstracts of many of the iPosters presented at the Virtual Summit.

Gene Therapy for Hemophilia

Adapted from: Global NMO Training 2018 plenary presentation by Glenn Pierce Reviewed by: Glenn Pierce Edited by: Georghia Michael The learner is strongly advised to complete Module 1 Introduction to Bleeding Disorders and Module 2 Evolution of Treatment Products, in the WFH Treatment Products eLearning Program before embarking upon Module 3. This third module in […]

Updates on Clinical Trials of Gene Therapy in Hemophilia

The fifth and final activity in the Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia CME curriculum, Updates on Clinical Trials of Gene Therapy in Hemophilia, is a clinical article. Follow Thierry VandenDreissche (Brussels, Belgium) as he takes a deeper dive into the advances made during the recent early phase gene therapy clinical trials in hemophilia […]

Why Gene Therapy for Hemophilia? Exploring the Challenges of Current Therapies

Re-certified for CME credits, to Sept 6, 2020! The fourth activity in the Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia CME curriculum, Why Gene Therapy for Hemophilia? Exploring the Challenges of Current Therapies, is an expert video exchange on gene therapy in the context of therapies currently available for hemophilia around the world. Watch as […]

The Science of Gene Therapy for Hemophilia

Re-certified for CME credits, to Sept 6, 2020! The third activity in the Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia CME curriculum, The Science of Gene Therapy for Hemophilia, is an expert video commentary on the vector technology behind gene therapy in hemophilia. Watch as Glenn Pierce, WFH Vice President Medical, examines early clinical trials, […]

Gene Therapy: Past, Present, and Future

The second activity in the Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia CME curriculum, Gene Therapy: Past, Present, and Future, is a round table video discussion of the evolution of gene therapy in hemophilia. Watch three experts reflect on the development, ongoing research, and current and future uses of gene therapy in hemophilia. A transcript […]

Test Your Knowledge of Gene Therapy in Hemophilia

The first activity in the Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia CME curriculum, Test Your Knowledge of Gene Therapy in Hemophilia, is an educational self-assessment survey. The questions allow you to see how much you already know about gene therapy in hemophilia and the answers explain the essential information required for a fuller understanding. […]