Videos » Page 8

Ask Me Anything: Discussing heavy periods with my partner?

Pour activer le sous-titrage en français, cliquez d’abord sur l’icône CC et ensuite sur l’icône des paramètres pour sélectionner le langage. Para activar los subtítulos en español, primero haga clic en el ícono CC y luego haga clic en el ícono de configuración para seleccionar el idioma. These videos discuss intimate relationships in clear language. […]

Ask Me Anything: Minimizing menstrual bleeding during sex?

Pour activer le sous-titrage en français, cliquez d’abord sur l’icône CC et ensuite sur l’icône des paramètres pour sélectionner le langage. Para activar los subtítulos en español, primero haga clic en el ícono CC y luego haga clic en el ícono de configuración para seleccionar el idioma. These videos discuss intimate relationships in clear language. […]

Ask Me Anything: Intimate alternatives to intercourse?

Pour activer le sous-titrage en français, cliquez d’abord sur l’icône CC et ensuite sur l’icône des paramètres pour sélectionner le langage. Para activar los subtítulos en español, primero haga clic en el ícono CC y luego haga clic en el ícono de configuración para seleccionar el idioma. These videos discuss intimate relationships in clear language. […]

Ask Me Anything: Safer sexual positions?

Pour activer le sous-titrage en français, cliquez d’abord sur l’icône CC et ensuite sur l’icône des paramètres pour sélectionner le langage. Para activar los subtítulos en español, primero haga clic en el ícono CC y luego haga clic en el ícono de configuración para seleccionar el idioma. These videos discuss intimate relationships in clear language. […]

Ask Me Anything: Can sex cause a bleed?

Pour activer le sous-titrage en français, cliquez d’abord sur l’icône CC et ensuite sur l’icône des paramètres pour sélectionner le langage. Para activar los subtítulos en español, primero haga clic en el ícono CC y luego haga clic en el ícono de configuración para seleccionar el idioma. These videos discuss intimate relationships in clear language. […]

Improving Care for People with VWD | May 18 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on May 18, 2021 to learn about the recently published ASH ISTH NHF WFH 2021 Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of von Willebrand Disease (VWD). The session was moderated by Nathan Connell (Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School). Michelle Lavin (WFH VWD & RBD Committee Chair), Baiba […]

COVID-19 Vaccines and People with Bleeding Disorders: Safety and Accessibility

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on June 2, 2021 to learn about the latest WFH updates on COVID-19 vaccination for people with bleeding disorders. The webinar provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about the authorization and safety of COVID-19 vaccines, with a focus on the regulators’ perspectives from the EU and the U.S.A., […]

Practical Education on Bleeding Disorders: Knowledge for All | WFH webinar series | April 22 2021

Listen to this 2-hour webinar presented on April 22, 2021 to learn about global topics related to bleeding disorders. The session was moderated by Glenn Pierce (WFH Vice President, Medical) and Marlène Beijlevelt (WFH Nurses Committee chair). Cedric Hermans (WFH Medical board member), Gianluigi Pasta (WFH MSK Committee chair), Sukesh Nair (Professor of laboratory haematology), […]

Medical Plenary: Gene Therapy | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Steve Pipe and Luigi Naldini explore the promise of gene therapy and the broad-based multi-stakeholder preparation that is needed to deliver on this achievement. Steve Pipe explores that, although we currently stand on the threshold of this achievement, delivering on this promise will require broad-based multi-stakeholder […]

COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccination for PWBDs

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on March 12, 2021 to learn about the latest WFH guidance regarding COVID-19 treatment and vaccination for People with Bleeding Disorders (PWBDs). The objective of this webinar was to address questions related to COVID-19 in PWBD. It provided an opportunity for attendees to follow the latest WFH recommendations for […]

Women and girls with hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Roseline d’Oiron, Sarah O’Brien and Andra James discuss issues on women and girls with hemophilia (WGWH), including female carriers with low levels of FVIII or FIX and/or bleeding experiences. The key points that will be covered are the importance of early diagnosis during childhood of affected […]

CDC Webinar: Joint Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of VWD

On February 25th, 2021 the CDC presented this one-hour webinar on the ASH ISTH NHF WFH 2021 Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of von Willebrand Disease (VWD) as part of the Public Health Webinar Series on Blood Disorders. Jean Grow, PhD, Nathan Connell, MD, MPH, and Angela Weyand, MD, guideline development panelists and experts […]