القمة العالمية للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول 2023

تتمحوَر عروض ونقاشات النسخة الثالثة من القمّة العالميّة للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول للاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا حول زيادة القدرة على الحصول على التشخيص، والعلاج والرعاية للأشخاص المصابين باضطرابات النزيف. وهي تتضمّن متحدّثين من المنظّمات المحلّية والدوليّة الشريكة، وممثلّي الحكومات الوطنيّة، والعاملين في مجال الرعاية الصحيّة، وقادة المنظّمات الوطنيّة الأعضاء في الاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا ومناصري اضطرابات النزيف. […]
القمة العالمية للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول 2022

ستدور عروض ومناقشات النسخة الثانية من القمة العالمية للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول للاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا حول تحسين الرعاية و الحصول على العلاج. ووهي تشمل المتحدّثين والمشاركين من المنظّمات المحليّة، والدوليّة الشريكة، وممثّلي الحكومات الوطنيّة، ومهنيّي الرعاية الصحّية، وقادة المنظمات الوطنية الأعضاء في الاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا، و مناصري اضطرابات النزف. لا ينخرط الاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا (WFH) […]
PACT Advocacy Academy: Towards better access to care and treatment globally | Global Policy and Access Summit 2021 – Arabic

In this session from the Global Policy and Access Summit, Donna Coffin, Salome Mekhuzla, Carlos Safadi Marquez, John Gershman and Mathieu Jackson present an overview of the WFH’s Path to Access to Care and Treatment (PACT) Program and launch the new PACT Advocacy Academy – an 8-month training course for NMO leaders and advocates developed […]
Models of care delivery today and in the post-pandemic world | Global Policy and Access Summit 2021 – Arabic

In this session from the Global Policy and Access Summit, Dan Hart, Margareth Ozelo, Hatoon Mohammed and Daniel Anibal Garcia discuss how the pandemic has brought many challenges to the existing models of organization and delivery of care. This session highlights the opportunities that also arise in the post-pandemic era. Presenters will share different case […]
Effective strategies to improve access to treatment and care | Global Policy and Access Summit 2021 – Arabic

In this session from the Global Policy and Access Summit, Dawn Rotellini, Bradley Rayner, Declan Noone and Durhane Wong-Rieger, will address the importance of data analysis to inform policy decisions, building alliances with patient groups and other effective strategies to improve access to treatment and care for people with bleeding disorders. Emphasis will be made […]
Economics of care and access to therapies | Global Policy and Access Summit 2021 – Arabic

In this session from the Global Policy and Access Summit, Dawn Rotellini, Mark Skinner, Jamie O’Hara and David Page will present an overview of the current state of access to therapies for people with bleeding disorders. Speakers will also highlight the importance of patient-relevant data on treatment choices and health policy decision-making. Session will include […]
Current landscape of access to treatment & care globally | Global Policy and Access Summit 2021 – Arabic

How is the pandemic impacting global healthcare systems around the world? What will the “new normal” be? In this opening session from the Global Policy and Access Summit, Cesar Garrido (WFH President) and Glenn Pierce, MD (WFH VP Medical) will address the effects of the pandemic on WFH’s vision of Treatment for All, as well […]
Collaborating to increase access: Perspectives from different stakeholders | Global Policy and Access Summit 2021 – Arabic

In this session from the Global Policy and Access Summit, Glenn Pierce, MD (WFH VP Medical), will moderate a panel discussion with Megan Adediran, Emna Gouider & Latifa Belakhel, bringing together perspectives from a patient organization leader, a healthcare provider and a national government representative. This discussion will highlight potential areas of collaboration between stakeholders […]
Advocacy During Covid-19: Having our Voices Heard – Arabic

This 90-minute webinar on advocacy for National Member Organizations (NMOs) took place on October 27th, 2020. Dr. Alexsandro dos Santos Machado (Brazil), Dr. Munira Borhany (Pakistan) and James Kago (Kenya) discussed the advocacy challenges and activities of their NMOs during the COVID-19 pandemic. WFH Board Member Dawn Rotellini (USA) moderated the session and provided different advocacy […]
WFH Development Grant Program Webinar – Arabic

This 1-hour webinar on the WFH Development Grant Program is presented by Dawn Rotellini (Chair, Development Grants Selection Committee) and Salome Mekhuzla (WFH Director, Global Development). The Development Grant Program aims to encourage new and innovative projects to support the inherited bleeding disorders community worldwide. This webinar provides WFH NMOs with an overview of the […]
Planning and Initiating Projects: A Guide for Emergent NMOs – Arabic

Volunteer team members, and their beneficiaries, often have differing opinions on what projects should be of highest priority for an organization. It is essential to reach agreement on your priorities in a relatively quick and efficient manner and to coordinate the team’s energies, in order to be the most effective. This guide provides strategies for […]
Hemophilia Patient Organization Self-Assessment – Arabic

A self-assessment is a useful exercise for organizations to take a closer look at what they do and how they do it. The process can help identify strengths and weaknesses and guide strategic planning. In 2011, the WFH developed this self-assessment specifically for its national member organizations (NMOs). It features a scoring system to evaluate […]