القمة العالمية للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول 2022
ستدور عروض ومناقشات النسخة الثانية من القمة العالمية للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول للاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا حول تحسين الرعاية و الحصول
Year: 2021
Language: Arabic
This resource is also available in: الإنجليزية الفرنسية الروسية الأسبانية
Author(s): World Federation of Hemophilia
Format: Video
Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Setting up comprehensive care: key principles, services, and roles, presented on September 29, 2021, the first of 3 webinars in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres.
The session was moderated by Dr. Alok Srivastava (Professor in the Department of Haematology, and Head of the Centre for Stem Cell Research at the Christian Medical College, India).
Speakers included Dr. Kate Khair (Director of Research at the Centre for Outcomes and Experience Research in Children’s Health, Illness and Disability (ORCHID), UK), Dr. Theresa Nwagha (Associate professor of Haematology, and Coordinator SE HTC comprehensive care UNTH, in Nigeria) and Dr. Adolfina Bergés García (Hematologist-Pediatrician at Casa de la Hemofilia, Mexico).
This session presented information about delivery of hemophilia care, key components of comprehensive care, discussion based on polling questions; and examples of regional experiences from Nigeria and Mexico, followed by a live Q&A period.
This WFH webinar was originally presented in English.
The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. For diagnosis or consultation on a specific medical problem, the WFH recommends that you contact your physician or local treatment centre. Before administering any products, the WFH urges patients to check dosages with a physician or hemophilia centre staff, and to consult the pharmaceutical company’s printed instructions.
The WFH does not promote any particular pharmaceutical product and any mention of any commercial brand in this presentation is strictly for educational purposes.
ستدور عروض ومناقشات النسخة الثانية من القمة العالمية للسياسات والقدرة على الوصول للاتحاد العالمي للهيموفيليا حول تحسين الرعاية و الحصول
استمعوا إلى هذه الندوة عبر الإنترنت التي مدتها ساعتان والتي تم تقديمها في 15 ديسمبر/كانون أول 2022 للاطلاع على الموضوعات
ندعوكم للاستماع إلى هذه الندوة عبر الإنترنت التي مدتها ساعتان، والتي تم تقديمها في 13 أكتوبر/تشرين أول 2022، وذلك للاطلاع
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