ما هي المثبطات؟

متوفر أيضًا باللغة اليابانية .يحتوي دليل المريض هذا على معلومات أساسية عن المثبطات ، وهي أخطر مضاعفات الهيموفيليا
What are Inherited Platelet Function Disorders? – Arabic

This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, diagnosis, symptoms and management of inherited platelet function disorders.
What are Rare Clotting Factor Deficiencies? – Arabic

Also Available In: Japanese This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Traditional Chinese This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, diagnosis, symptoms and management of rare coagulation factor deficiencies.
What is von Willebrand Disease? – Arabic

This edition is also available in: Japanese This edition of this resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Farsi, Polish, Bengali, Setswana This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, diagnosis, symptoms and management of von Willebrand disease.
What is Hemophilia? – Arabic

The previous edition is also available in: Japanese The previous edition of this resource has also been translated into the following language, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Amharic, Setswana This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, symptoms, and management of hemophilia.