HCV-Related Liver Cancer in People with Hemophilia

A review of the epidemiology, risk factors, treatment, and outcomes of liver cancer associated with chronic hepatitis C infection, with a focus on aspects that are of specific interest in people with hemophilia.
Diagnosis of Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders: A Laboratory Manual

This WFH manual is the definitive how-to guide for the accurate diagnosis of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Written and reviewed by the world’s leading experts in coagulation testing, this comprehensive, revised edition features new sections on two-stage clotting and chromogenic FVIII assays, von Willebrand factor collagen binding assay and multimer analysis, and the use of […]
A Study of Reported Factor VIII Use Around the World

Presents data on the reported use of factor VIII (FVIII) per country. FVIII use varies considerably, even among the wealthiest countries, and increases with economic capacity.
A Study of Variations in the Reported Hemophilia A Prevalence Around the World

An analysis of the global prevalence of hemophilia A, based in large part on the WFH’s Global Survey Data. Prevalence data are extremely valuable information for the planning efforts of national healthcare agencies in setting priorities and allocating resources for the treatment of hemophilia B.
The Challenge of an Ageing Hemophilic Population

As their life expectancy approaches that of the general population, people with hemophilia are now facing many of the same health problems. This paper gives healthcare providers an excellent overview of the relationship between hemophilia and age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and cancer.
Joint Replacement Surgery in Hemophilia

A comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of the key issues in joint replacement surgery, from pre-operative assessment to long-term management.
Hemophilia in Pictures – Vietnamese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese This is not an official WFH translation. This resource has been translated with permission by a WFH National Member Organization (NMO), and is shared here with their kind permission. Translating organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts, the WFH is not responsible for […]
Jogo de cartas In-Hemoação

Através da linguagem universal das imagens, as crianças do mundo inteiro podem aprender o que é a hemofilia de uma maneira divertida, fácil de entender e interativa. As cartas In-Hemoação ensinam as crianças a prevenir sangrados e a gerir a hemofilia. Versão atualizada do popularíssimo jogo Hemoação, esta edição inclui novos conteúdos sobre profilaxia, inibidores, […]
HemoAction Card Game – Arabic

This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Polish Using the universal language of pictures, children around the world can learn about hemophilia in a fun, easy to understand, and interactive way. The HemoAction cards teach children how to prevent bleeds and manage hemophilia. Each HemoAction […]
HemoAction Card Game – Polish

Also Available In: Arabic This is not an official WFH translation. This resource has been translated with permission by a WFH National Member Organization (NMO), and is shared here with their kind permission. Translating organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts, the WFH is not responsible for the translation or for any […]
Hemophilia in Pictures Educator’s Guide

Also Available In: Japanese A companion to Hemophilia in Pictures, this Educator’s guide provides more detailed information for advanced learning. Also includes tips for effective patient education, key talking points, and review quizzes.
Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease

This monograph outlines the treatment protocol used by healthcare providers in Georgia, U.S.A., as an example of a strategy to provide quality standards of care for the management of hemophilia.