WFH Webinar on von Willebrand Disease | September 21, 2023
Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on September 21, 2023 to learn about von Willebrand disease (VWD) in low-resource settings.
Year: 2008
Language: Farsi
Author(s): World Federation of Hemophilia
The 2023 edition is available in: English, Spanish, French
This edition is also available in: Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese
This edition of the resource has also been translated into the following language, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Polish, Bengali, Setswana
This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, diagnosis, symptoms and management of von Willebrand disease.
This is not an official WFH translation. This resource has been translated with permission by a WFH National Member Organization (NMO), and is shared here with their kind permission. Translating organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts, the WFH is not responsible for the translation or for any errors or changes to content from the original English edition. Patient organizations interested in translating a WFH resource must first obtain permission from the WFH, available here.
Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on September 21, 2023 to learn about von Willebrand disease (VWD) in low-resource settings.
This edition is available in: English, Spanish, French The previous edition is also available in: Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese
The previous edition is also available in: Japanese The previous edition of this resource has also been translated into the
In these sessions from the WFH 2022 World Congress, listen to Peter Lenting, Magdy El Ekiaby, Nathan Connell, Brooke Sadler,
In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Dawn Rotellini, Paula James, Jeannette Cesta, Cody Kester & Baiba Ziemele
In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Jill Johnsen, Michael Laffan & Jameela Sathar discuss von Willebrand disease