Resources » Nurses Committee Webinars: how to write an abstract, prepare a poster, and present using PowerPoint

Year: 2023

Language: English

Author(s): EAHAD, ISTH and WFH Nurses Committees

Format: Video

Nurses Committee Webinars: how to write an abstract, prepare a poster, and present using PowerPoint


Welcome to this exciting project, a collaborative effort between the Nurses Committees of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH), and the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH). We worked together to increase the active participation of the nurses in bleeding disorder care during congresses. This is a three-part series.

The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. For diagnosis or consultation on a specific medical problem, the WFH recommends that you contact your physician or local treatment centre. Before administering any products, the WFH urges patients to check dosages with a physician or hemophilia centre staff, and to consult the pharmaceutical company’s printed instructions.

The WFH does not promote any particular pharmaceutical product and any mention of any commercial brand in this presentation is strictly for educational purposes.

In this initial part, we will guide you through the art of writing an abstract with the invaluable expertise of Dr. Kate Khair from Haemnet. We will draw inspiration from Marcela Ganzela who crafted a case report focusing on one of her patients, and Femke Yspeerd who has kindly permitted the use of the abstract she submitted and presented at the EAHAD AHP Day in 2023.

In this second video, we will guide you through the art of presenting a poster with invaluable expertise of Linda Myrin Westesson from Sahlgrenska University Hospital. We will draw inspiration from Natasha Longsmith and Anjalin D’Souza, who share their real-life experiences.

In this third video, we will guide you through how to delivery a successful oral presentation with invaluable expertise of Julie Van Orne and Brian Ramsay.