Resources » ePosters of the XXXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

Year: 2018

Language: English

Author(s): Various

Format: Document

ePosters of the XXXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia


This interactive carousel features over 350 posters presented at the WFH 2018 World Congress, which can be searched by title, author, poster number, or topic. Via the Options tab on the right, viewers may download, print, or email posters; email poster authors directly; or participate in an online discussion. Presentation slides can also be viewed for the posters that were live moderated at the Congress (poster code MP).

Please note that due to the high volume of high definition images in this resource, it may take a moment to load.


Documents and PDFs

What are fibrinogen disorders?

This patient handbook contains basic information about the inheritance, diagnosis, symptoms and management of fibrinogen disorders, including afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia, dysfibrinogenemia

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