New technologies, psychosocial aspects and interdisciplinary dental care | Virtual Summit 2020

The Dental Committee is proud to present the dental track at the WFH Virtual Summit with a truly global representation of presenters, speaking on a broad range of topics related to the oral health of individuals with inherited bleeding disorders. The speakers for this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit are Lochana Nanayakkara, Rebecca […]
Dental management and treatment | Virtual Summit 2020

The Dental Committee is proud to present the dental track at the WFH Virtual Summit with a truly global representation of presenters, speaking on a broad range of topics related to the oral health of individuals with inherited bleeding disorders. The speakers of this session are Lochana Nanayakkara, Norjehan Yahaya, Miryam Parreira, Daniel Sundaresan and […]
CDC Webinar: Joint Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of VWD

On February 25th, 2021 the CDC presented this one-hour webinar on the ASH ISTH NHF WFH 2021 Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of von Willebrand Disease (VWD) as part of the Public Health Webinar Series on Blood Disorders. Jean Grow, PhD, Nathan Connell, MD, MPH, and Angela Weyand, MD, guideline development panelists and experts […]
Dental care for people with bleeding disorders during COVID-19— what has changed?

Listen to this 1-hour webinar presented on 3 June 2020, chaired by Glenn Pierce, MD, PhD (WFH VP Medical). Presenters Maria Elvira Pizzigatti Correa (Brazil), WFH Dental Committee member; Zikra Alkhayal (Saudi Arabia), WFH Dental Committee member; and Alison Dougall (Ireland), past Chair of the WFH Dental Committee offer recommendations on how to deal with […]
Hemophilia, relationships and intimacy: answering your questions

In this short video, Luis Melgar, a young man with a bleeding disorder, discusses some common questions regarding relationships, intimacy, and sexuality with WFH psychosocial and musculoskeletal experts Frederica Cassis and Greig Blamey. Covering topics such as dating, kissing, disclosing a bleeding disorder, sexual health, and marriage and having children, their casual conversation may answer […]