Johnny Mahlangu

WFH Educational: Treatment choice in an era of change | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Glenn Pierce, Johnny Mahlangu, David Page & Brian O’Mahony explore the patient and provider perceptions on treatment choices: how does each make a choice and process the risk-benefit analysis. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment […]

Delivering comprehensive care: practical considerations | October 21 2021

Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Delivering comprehensive care: practical considerations, presented on October 21, 2021. This is the second of three webinars in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres. The session was moderated by Dr. Miguel Escobar (WFH Board of Directors). […]

COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccination for PWBDs

Listen to this 90-minute webinar presented on March 12, 2021 to learn about the latest WFH guidance regarding COVID-19 treatment and vaccination for People with Bleeding Disorders (PWBDs). The objective of this webinar was to address questions related to COVID-19 in PWBD. It provided an opportunity for attendees to follow the latest WFH recommendations for […]