hemophilia » Page 4

HIV and HCV Co-Infection in Hemophilia

This paper provides an overview of the interactions between hepatitis C (HCV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and covers aspects concerning the management of co-infected persons with hemophilia.

Hereditary Plasma Clotting Factor Disorders and their Management

This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Russian This monograph provides an overview of the most common types of hereditary bleeding disorders, general principles of care, treatment options, and management of complications.

Manufactured Shoes and Orthopedic Shoes – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish This is not an official WFH translation. This resource has been translated with permission by a WFH National Member Organization (NMO), and is shared here with their kind permission. Translating organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts, the WFH is not responsible for the translation or for […]

Report on the Annual Global Survey 2006

Compiled annually, the Annual Global Survey (AGS) provides demographic and other data on people with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease , other rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders throughout the world.

Report on the Annual Global Survey 2005

Compiled annually, the Annual Global Survey (AGS) provides demographic and other data on people with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, other rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders throughout the world.

Report on the Annual Global Survey 2004

Compiled annually, the Annual Global Survey (AGS) provides demographic and other data on people with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, other rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders throughout the world.

Hemophilia in Pictures Educator’s Guide – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 血友病のカラーイラストガイド。患者両親、看護師、医療関係者、さらには血友病とその管理についての基本的な情報を伝えようとするすべての人向けの完全な教育ツールです。

Report on the Annual Global Survey 2003

Compiled annually, the Annual Global Survey (AGS) provides demographic and other data on people with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, other rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders throughout the world.

What is Hemophilia? – Japanese

The 2023 edition is available in: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese This edition of the resource has also been translated into the following language, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Amharic, Setswana この患者向けハンドブックには、血友病の遺伝特性、症状、管理についての基本情報が記載されています。