Quality Data Collection

Quality data are extremely useful in advocating for better care for people with bleeding disorders. This Fact Sheet introduces the rationale for data collection, the criteria for quality data, the keys for successful quality data collection, and examples of how quality data collection can provide the foundation of effective advocacy.
An Introduction to Key Concepts in Health Economics for Hemophilia Organizations

This publication aims to help patient organizations develop an understanding of health economics and advocate on issues relating to the economics of hemophilia care.
Benefits of a National Patient Registry

Also Available In: Japanese Patient registries are crucial for monitoring trends in health, allocating resources, organizing and tracking distribution of treatment products, and improving the purchasing process on a national scale.
Benefits of a National Patient Registry – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 患者登録は、健康上の傾向のモニタリング、資源の割り当て、治療用製剤供給の調整および追跡、全国規模での購入プロセスの改善に極めて重要です。