Videos » Page 11

von Willebrand Disease: Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment

In the Tuesday afternoon session entitled von Willebrand Disease: Clinical Conundrums, Frank Leebek presents the current challenges in VWD diagnosis and treatment, namely bleeding score variability, overlap of type 1 VWD with low VWF, and the hampering effect of biological variation on test results, as well as the effect of DDAVP on VWF levels.

How to Set Up Chromogenic FVIII and FIX Assays

In the Tuesday afternoon session entitled Role of Chromogenic Assays in Hemophilia Diagnosis, Annette Bowyer explains how to set up chromogenic assays for FVIII and FIX, covering technical aspects such as calibration, accuracy, and quality control in the context of these assays, as well as the cost implications of using them appropriately.

Role of Chromogenic FVIII Assays in Hemophilia A Diagnosis

In the Tuesday afternoon session entitled Role of Chromogenic Assays in Hemophilia Diagnosis, Elizabeth Duncan presented a comparison of clotting assays versus the chromogenic assay in quantifying FVIII, highlighting genotype and phenotype discrepancies and reverse discrepancies.

Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders

In the Tuesday morning session entitled Women With Bleeding Disorders: Clinical and Psychological Issues, Claire McLintock discussed the effect misinformation and taboos around menstruation can have on the life of women with bleeding disorders.

FXI Deficiency: Genotype, Phenotype and Management

In the Monday afternoon session entitled Rare Bleeding Disorders, Gillian Gidley reviews the genotypes and phenotypes associated with FXI deficiency, shows data on different diagnostic assays, and covers recommendations for management of patients with FXI deficiency.