Advantages of a National Tender System for Clotting Factor Concentrates

Also Available In: Japanese A national tender is a cost-effective system for the purchase of products or services, such as clotting factor concentrates, that facilitates the prediction of demand and use of treatment products and can lead to a higher standard of care.
Contract Fractionation

A comprehensive guide to creating and maintaining a successful contract fractionation program, from contract agreements to the fractionation process, the roles of national health officials and foreign fractionators, and other technical, regulatory, and economical considerations.
Local Hemostatic Blood Products in Hemophilia Care: Fibrin Sealant and Platelet Gel

Describes the manufacturing methods and characteristics of hemostatic products and their clinical indications for patients suffering with disorders.
Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease

This monograph outlines the treatment protocol used by healthcare providers in Georgia, U.S.A., as an example of a strategy to provide quality standards of care for the management of hemophilia.
Advantages of a National Tender System for Clotting Factor Concentrates – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 国ごとの国家入札制度は、凝固因子製剤等の製品やサービスを購入するコスト効率の高い制度で、治療用製剤の需要や使用量の予測を促進し、より高水準な治療を可能にします。
Proceedings of the WFH’s Fifth Global Forum on the Safety and Supply of Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders

A summary of discussions held at the World Federation of Hemophilia’s Global Forum on the Safety and Supply of Hemophilia Treatment Products, which brings together patient groups, healthcare providers, regulators, industry representatives, and not-for-profit fractionators.
Economic Benefits of Home Therapy

Also Available In: Japanese Access to home treatment reduces the economic impact on healthcare systems and improves the quality of life for both the person with hemophilia and their family.
Proceedings of the WFH’s Fourth Global Forum on the Safety and Supply of Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders

A summary of discussions held at the World Federation of Hemophilia’s Global Forum on the Safety and Supply of Hemophilia Treatment Products, which brings together patient groups, healthcare providers, regulators, industry representatives, and not-for-profit fractionators.
Treatment Options in the Management of Hemophilia in Developing Countries

Highlights the various options available when treatment products are extremely scarce. Even with a limited amount of coagulation factor, it is possible to improve the lives of people with hemophilia in the developing world.
Economic Benefits of Home Therapy – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 在宅療法の利用は、医療制度における経済的負担を軽減し、血友病患者とその家族双方の生活の質を向上させます。
Benefits of Treating Hemophilia with Factor Concentrate

Also Available In: Japanese Treating people with hemophilia with safe, regulated plasma-derived factor concentrate directly reduces the social and economic impact of this bleeding disorder on the patient as well as the amount of long-term support required from family, community, and government.
Economic Benefits of Basic Hemophilia Treatment & Care

Also Available In: Japanese This fact sheet demonstrates the benefits of providing basic treatment and care to people with hemophilia. Adequate care includes access to a hemophilia treatment centre and to treatment products, and education for healthcare providers, patients, and families.