Treatments » Page 3

Evolution of Treatment Products

Adapted from: Global NMO Training 2016 plenary presentation by Glenn Pierce Reviewed by: Glenn Pierce Edited by: Georghia Michael This second module in the Treatment Products eLearning Program explains the evolution of products for the treatment of bleeding disorders, from products derived from blood to artificially produced clotting factor concentrates (CFCs) with extended half-lives (EHL). […]

Guide for the Assessment of Clotting Factor Concentrates

The purpose of this guide is to inform and facilitate the selection and purchase of therapeutic products for the treatment of hemophilia. It discusses the factors that contribute to the quality, safety, and efficacy of hemophilia treatment products and, in particular, the provisions made for ensuring that these products are free of viruses. It covers […]

Factor Replacement Therapy Schematic

This illustrated schematic demonstrates the normal process of blood clotting, how it is diminished when a clotting factor is lacking, and how infusion of replacement therapy works to achieve normal levels of blood clotting. It also illustrates the clotting factor cascade and highlights the points in the cascade where each type of hemophilia treatment product […]

WFH Webinar: Treatment Options for Hemophilia in the Developing World

On December 16, 2016, the WFH in collaboration with the ISTH, recorded a live interactive webinar on the challenges and opportunities of treatment options for hemophilia in the developing world, now available for viewing here. Introduced by Marijke van den Berg, Rolf Ljung opened with a summary of the lessons learned from decades of experience […]

Hemostatic Agents

This eLearning module presents Section 4 of the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia: Hemostatic Agents. Detailed illustrations, interactive features, a glossary, supplementary resources and self-quizzes bring to life the WFH recommendations regarding FVIII and FIX clotting factor concentrates, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, and other pharmacological options including DDAVP, tranexamic acid, and epsilon aminocaproic […]