The WFH Haemophilia Centre Twinning programme: ten years of growth, 1993-2003

By linking emerging and established treatment centres, the World Federation of Hemophilia’s Twinning Program has improved treatment and care for people with bleeding disorders around the world.
Control of Haemophilia: Haemophilia Care in Developing Countries Report of a joint WHO/WFH Meeting

This joint WFH/WHO report outlines the possibilities and priorities for hemophilia care delivery in the developing world
Guidelines for the Development of a National Programme for Haemophilia

Jointly produced by the WFH and WHO, this publication provides guidance on the development of a successful national care program for hemophilia.
Report of a joint WHO/WFH Meeting on the control of haemophilia: Modern Treatment of Haemophilia

This joint WFH/WHO report reviews those issues surrounding management of hemophilia and its complications.
Prevention and Control of Haemophilia: Memorandum from a Joint WHO/WFH Meeting

Summarizes discussions and recommendations for the prevention and control of hemophilia made by participants at a joint WHO/WFH Meeting.