The Challenge of Evidence Generation

In the Tuesday morning WFH session on global surveillance and collaboration, Glenn Pierce, explores the challenges of evidence generation.
Essential Medicines List, Orphan Drugs, and Paid Plasma

In the Tuesday morning WFH session on global surveillance and collaboration, Brian O’Mahony, provides his vision for the role of the WFH in ensuring adequate access to a safe supply of hemophilia treatment.
Blood Safety and Donor Deferrals: The history and ongoing risk evaluation

In the Tuesday morning WFH session on global surveillance and collaboration, David Page, discusses donor deferrals, issues of blood safety and the role of the WFH.
Medical Plenary: Hemophilia treatment in 2030

In the Tuesday morning medical plenary, Erik Berntorp describes his vision of hemophilia treatment and medical advances in 2030.
Ageing with hemophilia: Dental issues

In the Thursday morning session entitled Ageing with Hemophilia: Issues and Challenges Through Different Life Stages, Andrew Brewer presents his experiences working as a dentist with people with hemophilia of all ages. This talk was part of the Panel Discussion session: Ageing with Hemophilia: Issues & challenges through different life stages. See below for other […]
Porcine Factor VIII

In the Monday afternoon session on alternative therapies in the management of inhibitors, Rebecca Kruse-Jarres discusses the latest developments in the use of porcine factor VIII.
ePosters of the XXXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

This interactive carousel features over 500 posters presented at the WFH 2016 World Congress, which can be searched by title, author, poster number, or topic. Via the Options tab on the right, viewers may download, print, or email posters; email poster authors directly; or participate in an online discussion. Presentation slides can also be viewed […]
Abstracts of the XXXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH 2016 World Congress Orlando (July 2016, Vol 22, Issue Supplement S4 Pages 1–152) features abstracts of many of the posters presented at the Congress, including Late-Breaking Abstracts and those selected for presentation as Free Papers.
Pathogenic or Not? Classification of genetic variants in haemostasis

In the Wednesday morning lab sciences session on the genetic laboratory for bleeding disorders, Anne Goodeve explains the classification of genetic variants in haemostasis.
State of the Art of the XXXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia

The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH 2016 World Congress Orlando (Vol 22, Issue Supplement S5 Pages 1–95) features reviews of the state of the art of each of the topics of the medical plenaries, medical sessions, and laboratory science sessions at the Congress, written by featured speakers.
Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease (VWD)

In the Wednesday afternoon session on von Willebrand disease (VWD) Jeroen C.J. Eikenboom explains the diagnosis of von Wilebrand Disease (VWD).
Management of Women with VWD

In the Sunday afternoon joint Laboratory Sciences and VWD Professional Development Workshop, Andra H. James explains the unique issues in the management of women with von Willebrand Disease (VWD). This talk was part of the joint Laboratory Sciences and VWD Professional Development Workshop. See below for the other talks in this workshop: