Structure and Functions of Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Centres
Also Available In: Japanese Access to a comprehensive hemophilia treatment centre (HTC) is a critical component of care. This fact sheet outlines how HTCs are set up and the ways in which they improve the overall health and well-being of patients with bleeding disorders.
Structure and Functions of Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Centres – Japanese
Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 包括的血友病治療センター(HTC)は、ケアの極めて重要な要素です。このファクトシートでは、HTCがどのように設立され、それによって出血性疾患患者の全体的な健康および満足度がどのように向上するかを概説します。
Joint Replacement Surgery in Hemophilia
A comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of the key issues in joint replacement surgery, from pre-operative assessment to long-term management.
Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease
This monograph outlines the treatment protocol used by healthcare providers in Georgia, U.S.A., as an example of a strategy to provide quality standards of care for the management of hemophilia.
Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Hemophilia Care
Also Available In: Japanese Patients receiving comprehensive hemophilia care have a lower mortality rate and a lower hospitalization rate for bleeding complications than those treated outside a hemophilia treatment centre.
Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Hemophilia Care – Japanese
Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 包括的血友病医療を受けている患者は、血友病治療センター以外の医療機関で治療を受けた患者よりも死亡率が低く、出血の合併症による入院率が低くなっています。
The International Haemophilia Training Centres of the World Federation of Hemophilia: A 30-Year Review
A retrospective of the World Federation of Hemophilia’s IHTC program: its aims and objectives, achievements and lessons learned, and directions for the future.
Key Issues in Hemophilia Treatment Part 2: Organizing a National Programme for Comprehensive Hemophilia Care
Addresses the considerations for establishing a national programme for comprehensive hemophilia care.