
Factor Replacement Therapy Schematic

This illustrated schematic demonstrates the normal process of blood clotting, how it is diminished when a clotting factor is lacking, and how infusion of replacement therapy works to achieve normal levels of blood clotting. It also illustrates the clotting factor cascade and highlights the points in the cascade where each type of hemophilia treatment product […]

Economic Benefits of Home Therapy

Also Available In: Japanese Access to home treatment reduces the economic impact on healthcare systems and improves the quality of life for both the person with hemophilia and their family.

Economic Benefits of Home Therapy – Japanese

Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 在宅療法の利用は、医療制度における経済的負担を軽減し、血友病患者とその家族双方の生活の質を向上させます。