Genetic Counseling and Psychosocial Support for Carriers | Workshop for Psychosocial Professionals
This module was presented by Silvina Graña at the Virtual Workshop for Psychosocial Professionals in Central and South America on April 9, 2021. To view other modules from this series, please click here. This WFH workshop was originally presented in Spanish. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances […]
Hemophilia, relationships and intimacy: answering your questions
In this short video, Luis Melgar, a young man with a bleeding disorder, discusses some common questions regarding relationships, intimacy, and sexuality with WFH psychosocial and musculoskeletal experts Frederica Cassis and Greig Blamey. Covering topics such as dating, kissing, disclosing a bleeding disorder, sexual health, and marriage and having children, their casual conversation may answer […]