Chromogenic Factor IX Assay in Laboratory Diagnosis and Monitoring of Treatment in Hemophilia B – To be aware of Challenges
In the Tuesday afternoon session entitled Chromogenic Factor IX Assay in Laboratory Diagnosis and Monitoring of Treatment in Hemophilia B – To be Aware of Challenges, Jovan Antovic presents data comparing one-stage assays with chromogenic assays for quantifying clotting factor activity, focusing on the challenges presented by their use in diagnosis.
ePosters of the XXXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia
This interactive carousel features over 350 posters presented at the WFH 2018 World Congress, which can be searched by title, author, poster number, or topic. Via the Options tab on the right, viewers may download, print, or email posters; email poster authors directly; or participate in an online discussion. Presentation slides can also be viewed […]
What is… Health Economics and Health Economic Evaluation
In the Wednesday morning session entitled Can’t or Won’t Pay: Health Economics and Bleeding Disorders, Jamie O’Hara describes the many variables and types of analyses that go into health economics assessments.
Role of Chromogenic FVIII Assays in Hemophilia A Diagnosis
In the Tuesday afternoon session entitled Role of Chromogenic Assays in Hemophilia Diagnosis, Elizabeth Duncan presented a comparison of clotting assays versus the chromogenic assay in quantifying FVIII, highlighting genotype and phenotype discrepancies and reverse discrepancies.
Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders
In the Tuesday morning session entitled Women With Bleeding Disorders: Clinical and Psychological Issues, Claire McLintock discussed the effect misinformation and taboos around menstruation can have on the life of women with bleeding disorders.
Low-Dose Prophylaxis – India Experience
In the Tuesday afternoon session entitled Prophylaxis: Global Models of Low-Dose Prophylaxis, Shashikant Apte presents the results of the implementation of tertiary prophylaxis programs in India, focusing on reduction of annual bleed rate (ABR) in hemophilia A and B.
Gene Therapy for Haemophilia: What, Why, How, When, Who, and Where?
In the Sunday afternoon session entitled Gene Therapy: Back to Basics, Glenn Pierce explains the state of the art and the future prospects of gene therapy, gene editing, and cell therapy, in the context of hemophilia.
State of the Art of the XXXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia
The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH 2018 World Congress Glasgow (Vol 24, Issue Supplement S6 Pages 1–94) features reviews of the state of the art of each of the topics of the medical plenaries and sessions at the Congress, written by featured speakers.
Abstracts of the XXXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia
The freely available special Haemophilia Journal supplement dedicated to the WFH 2018 World Congress Glasgow (May 2018, Vol 24, Issue Supplement S5 Pages 1–218) features abstracts of many of the posters presented at the Congress, including Late-Breaking Abstracts and those selected for presentation as Free Papers.