Women and girls with hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020

In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Roseline d’Oiron, Sarah O’Brien and Andra James discuss issues on women and girls with hemophilia (WGWH), including female carriers with low levels of FVIII or FIX and/or bleeding experiences. The key points that will be covered are the importance of early diagnosis during childhood of affected […]
Annual Global Survey Mini Report 2: Age

The WFH Annual Global Survey (AGS) mini reports are advocacy tools that provide more in-depth perspective and context to AGS data. The second Mini Report, based on 2017 AGS data, highlights the age of patients with hemophilia. Age data can be an important tool to better understand diagnosis and treatment in a country.
Inhibitors in Hemophilia: A Primer

This resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Traditional Chinese Inhibitors are a serious complication of hemophilia caused by an immune response to clotting factor concentrates. Treatment of inhibitors is one of the biggest challenges in hemophilia care today. This primer explains our current understanding of […]
Molecular Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease

The accurate diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (VWD) is crucial to its management. This resource describes the techniques used to determine the genetic nature, or genotype, of a suspected case of VWD. The companion monograph, TOH 55 Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease: Phenotypic Characterization, provides a detailed review of the laboratory tests that can be […]
WFH Webinar: Treatment Options for Hemophilia in the Developing World

On December 16, 2016, the WFH in collaboration with the ISTH, recorded a live interactive webinar on the challenges and opportunities of treatment options for hemophilia in the developing world, now available for viewing here. Introduced by Marijke van den Berg, Rolf Ljung opened with a summary of the lessons learned from decades of experience […]
Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia

The 3rd edition has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs/Other Organizations: Georgian, Portuguese, Ukrainian The 2nd edition is available in: Simplified Chinese The 2nd edition has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Azerbaijani, Polish, Traditional Chinese For additional resources, such […]
Diagnosis of Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders: A Laboratory Manual

This WFH manual is the definitive how-to guide for the accurate diagnosis of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Written and reviewed by the world’s leading experts in coagulation testing, this comprehensive, revised edition features new sections on two-stage clotting and chromogenic FVIII assays, von Willebrand factor collagen binding assay and multimer analysis, and the use of […]
Patient Outreach Guide for Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders

This guide helps national hemophilia organizations plan and carry out an outreach campaign to identify people with hemophilia or other bleeding disorders who have not been diagnosed or are underserved by healthcare services.