Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease
This monograph outlines the treatment protocol used by healthcare providers in Georgia, U.S.A., as an example of a strategy to provide quality standards of care for the management of hemophilia.
Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Hemophilia Care
Also Available In: Japanese Patients receiving comprehensive hemophilia care have a lower mortality rate and a lower hospitalization rate for bleeding complications than those treated outside a hemophilia treatment centre.
Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Hemophilia Care – Japanese
Also Available In: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese 包括的血友病医療を受けている患者は、血友病治療センター以外の医療機関で治療を受けた患者よりも死亡率が低く、出血の合併症による入院率が低くなっています。