Psychosocial Care for People with Hemophilia

Psychosocial support is an important part of comprehensive care for people with hemophilia. The aim of this monograph is to guide parents and healthcare providers in the interventions and support that can be provided at all stages of development, from birth to adulthood.
Module 8 – Psychosocial issues through the life stages | Workshop for Psychosocial Professionals

This module was presented by Mohsena Olath-Carramtally at the Virtual Workshop for Psychosocial Professionals in Africa on June 8, 2021. To view other modules from this series, please click here. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. For diagnosis or consultation on […]
Module 8 – Psychosocial issues through the life stages | Workshop for Psychosocial Professionals – Portuguese

This module was presented by Mohsena Olath-Carramtally at the Virtual Workshop for Psychosocial Professionals in Africa on June 8, 2021. To view other modules from this series, please click here. This WFH module was originally presented in English. The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment […]