Resources » Women and girls with hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020 – Russian

Год: 2020

Язык: Russian

Этот материал также есть на других языках: Английский Французский Испанский

Автор(ы): World Federation of Hemophilia

Формат: Видео

Women and girls with hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020 — Russian


In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Roseline d’Oiron, Sarah O’Brien and Andra James discuss issues on women and girls with hemophilia (WGWH), including female carriers with low levels of FVIII or FIX and/or bleeding experiences. The key points that will be covered are the importance of early diagnosis during childhood of affected girls, the management and treatment of the bleeding risk despite a large variability in phenotype expression, the joint health and the way to secure both maternal and fetal bleeding risks during pregnancy, delivery and the post-partum period.

Click on the icon below to access more on-demand Virtual Summit recordings.

This WFH webinar was originally presented in English.

The WFH does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. For diagnosis or consultation on a specific medical problem, the WFH recommends that you contact your physician or local treatment centre. Before administering any products, the WFH urges patients to check dosages with a physician or hemophilia centre staff, and to consult the pharmaceutical company’s printed instructions.

The WFH does not promote any particular pharmaceutical product and any mention of any commercial brand in this presentation is strictly for educational purposes.



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