Что такое профилактическое лечение?
The previous edition of this resource has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Farsi, Setswana This patient handbook contains basic information about prophylaxis, the regular infusion of clotting factor concentrates in order to prevent bleeding. Prophylaxis is the goal of treatment for people with severe hemophilia, allowing […]
Strengthening comprehensive care: using data to inform clinical practice | November 11 2021 — Russian
Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Strengthening comprehensive care: using data to inform clinical practice, presented on November 11, 2021. This is the last webinar in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres. Speakers included Dr. Catherine Lambert (Hematologist at the Division of […]
Setting up comprehensive care: key principles, services, and roles | September 29, 2021 — Russian
Listen to this 90-minute webinar, Setting up comprehensive care: key principles, services, and roles, presented on September 29, 2021, the first of 3 webinars in the PACT Comprehensive Care Series, designed to support healthcare providers in setting up and strengthening comprehensive care in their centres. The session was moderated by Dr. Alok Srivastava (Professor in […]
Key Concepts and Principles of Care for Bleeding Disorders | July 28, 2021 — Russian
Listen to this back-to-basics 90-minute webinar, presented on July 28, 2021, which offers members of NMOs the opportunity to get a refresher on the key concepts and principles of care for inherited bleeding disorders. The webinar program also covers foundational knowledge on topics relevant for NMO members and advocates. This webinar was chaired by Carlos […]
WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia | Virtual Summit 2020 — Russian
In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Glenn Pierce, Alok Srivastava, Steven Pipe, Manuel Carcao, Margaret Ragni and Johnny Mahlangu present and discuss updates to the WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia. Discussion topics include hemostatic agents, prophylaxis, inhibitors, and treatment of specific hemorrhages. Click on the icon below to access more […]
Redefining prophylaxis in the modern era | Virtual Summit 2020 – Russian
The currently evolving novel therapies for the management of hemophilia has ushered in a new era characterized by improved prophylaxis targets and outcomes. In this session from the WFH 2020 Virtual Summit, Johnny Mahlangu, Victor Blanchette, Robert Klamroth and Emna Gouider redefine prophylaxis in the modern era by revisiting its definition, presenting data to support […]
In-HemoAction Card Game — Russian
Using the universal language of pictures, children around the world can learn about hemophilia in a fun, easy to understand, and interactive way. The In-HemoAction cards teach children how to prevent bleeds and manage hemophilia. An update of the hugely popular HemoAction game, this edition features additional content covering prophylaxis, inhibitors, bypassing agents, immune tolerance […]
Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia — Russian
The 3rd edition has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs/Other Organizations: Georgian, Portuguese, Ukrainian The 2nd edition has also been translated into the following languages, with permission from the WFH, by NMOs: Azerbaijani, Polish, Traditional Chinese This third edition, fully reviewed by global experts, contains clinical practice recommendations […]
Hereditary Plasma Clotting Factor Disorders and their Management — Russian
Also Available In: English, Spanish This is not an official WFH translation. This resource has been translated with permission by a WFH National Member Organization (NMO), and is shared here with their kind permission. Translating organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts, the WFH is not responsible for the translation or for […]
The Treatment of Hemophilia Bleeding with Limited Resources — Russian
Also Available In: English, Spanish This is not an official WFH translation. This resource has been translated with permission by a WFH National Member Organization (NMO), and is shared here with their kind permission. Translating organizations are encouraged to have translations reviewed by local experts, the WFH is not responsible for the translation or for […]